gear Bag

It's time to get the latest Scuba Gear Bag style and technology with the Paul de Gelder Bionic AF Gear Bag. This gear bag holds your essential gear. It has a removable padded bag for the more fragile items like computers, regulators, and electronics, plus it has a dual MATIC connect buckle with the click closure sound! Time to upgrade for the mesh bag to something you will genuinely love.
Why Buy the Bionic AF Gear Bag?

The dimensions are
26.5 X 14” X 10.5”.
This gear bag fits all your gear, + designed with multiple compartments, detaching front bag & extra padding.

This stylish and technologically advanced design provides better gear transport options. Comfortable to carry with easy water drainage.

This large bag weighs only 2 lbs but is durable enough to hold all your scuba gear. It evenly distributes the load for easy transportation.

This gear bag offers the MATIC quick connection with the click sound. Connect with confidence. The MATIC system finds its home magnetically but connects mechanically.